Trådlösa laddare för smartmobiler överskrider gränsvärden
Trådlösa laddare för smartmobiler överskrider gällande referensvärden för strålning från ICNIRP. ”the incident magnetic flux densities exceed the reference values by factors of tens, roughly. For internal electric fields, the margin was below a factor of 10. For SAR, in contrast, the margin amounted to three orders of magnitude. The study (i) affirmed that checking basic restrictions in case of local exposures that exceed reference values is necessary; (ii) showed that exposure levels of current smartphone wireless charging systems may exploit ICNIRP basic restrictions on induced electric fields up to 30%, roughly, and are far from recommended maximum SAR levels; and (iii) indicated that increasing the allowed maximum power for charging systems (as already outlined in the standard) has to be carefully evaluated regarding instantaneous values of induced electric fields.” Fröhlich et al. 2017